By joining The God is my Dad Network your church or ministry will have ongoing access to all the resources you will need to better minister to fatherless individuals, single moms, and grandparents raising grandchildren. Plus you will be added to our map and these families will be able to find your church!
Unlock everything you need to launch a Single Mom Ministry through your church or ministry, or get access to resources that you can share with the single moms in your church and community to help them on their journey! Imagine the difference that can be made in the fatherless epidemic if single moms are being evangelized and discipled and then taking it home to their children!
How do you as a church or ministry evangelize and disciple the fatherless children, teens, and adults in your church and community? If you do not have an answer for that or need help with that you are doing then joining the network is perfect for you! You will receive access to our ever-growing library of videos and resources to minister to the fatherless!
Our founder, Sean Teis, was raised for many years by his grandparents. They played a crucial role in his life from when his dad left at 10 months old until he was an adult. He shares his experience of being raised by his grandparents and also collaborated with some other experts on the topic to give training to your church and resources that can be shared with the grandparents around you!
"We have added two members within a year and we have everyone still attending since day one, except one person. We have had two salvations within this group. We have become a family. We are there for each other in every situation. The good, the bad, and the ugly."
In 2024 we will be promoting our resources more than ever to thousands of fatherless individuals, single moms, and grandparents raising grandchildren. We want to direct these families to your church!
Start a single mom ministry/community group right away or just get started by joining our network and providing resources to fatherless families! Either way it is a step in the right direction toward James 1:27!
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