What is Life Factors Fatherless Ministries?
Life Factors Ministries is a non-profit ministry currently focused exclusively on leading fatherless families to the Heavenly Father through spreading awareness, creating unique resources, speaking, partnering with local churches, and establishing local fatherless family ministries and support for these families nationwide.
Support Our Work!Sean & Jackie Teis
We have literally dedicated our lives and family to ministering to fatherless families across the United States and beyond!
Since 2008 Sean, Jackie, and their family have been evangelizing & discipling fatherless families through speaking, creating unique resources, and partnering with local churches through Life Factors Fatherless Ministries. They have authored six books for fatherless families and similar situations. They have also developed GodismyDad.com for fatherless families, which also includes a mobile app in the Apple and Google Play Stores. Sean has spoken on fatherlessness at a variety of events including conferences, colleges, and in 200+ churches throughout the United States. Recently they did a Hope for Fatherless America National Tour for three years ministering to the fatherless and teaching on fatherlessness in churches and other various events across the United States!
Jackie is a trained educator, author, speaker, and she manages many of the logistics and operations for the ministry and the Teis family!
Sean grew up fatherless, he had a single mom, and his grandparents helped raise him. Despite his situation he became an ordained minister and has given his life to help other fatherless families succeed! Sean is a national speaker, an author, and he has held various ministry roles but all with a continual focus on fatherless family ministry. Sean is also an ordained minister and has served on staff and volunteered at various churches throughout the country.

Recommendations & Testimonials:

Dr. Elmer Towns
"I completely agree with Life Factors Ministries that fatherlessness is the number one social issue in our country. I am very impressed with what Sean Teis and Life Factors Ministries are doing to address this issue in our country. The God is my Dad ministry is definitely a great way to evangelize & disciple fatherless families. Their training is something every church should explore. I highly recommend having Sean come and speak on fatherlessness to your congregation, student body, or event."

Dr. Michelle Watson-Canfield
"Sean Teis is the real deal. Having known him for years, I can attest to the fact that this is a man who walks his talk. As an invested, dialed-in dad to his three kids, Sean is living proof that God is always writing our redemptive stories that give Him glory, and any man can become the father his children need when he puts God first and experiences healing from his Heavenly Father. I love the focus of Sean’s life message, which highlights that God truly is a Father to the fatherless. And because he has lived this personally---having been fathered by the best Dad in the world---one thing is undoubtedly clear about Sean: like Father, like son."

Jeff Kemp - Former NFL QB
"Broken and missing relationships with fathers are the driving force for broken hearts, broken lives and a broken society. Even deeper, people missing relationship with their loving and perfect Heavenly Father is the most important problem and viable solution to every problem we humans face. Sean Teis comes from this common father-absent, painful background. After his loving Dad in heaven turned his life around, he committed himself to helping God turn fatherless families into loving fatherhood-reviving families and lives. Life Factors ministry and GodismyDad.com are crucial and powerful solutions to help young people, dads and churches turn the crisis of fatherlessness into hope, love and healthy fathering! Sean and team are champions for reviving fatherhood and real love!"

Dr. Johnny Pope
"Sean writes books, articles and preaches tremendous sermons to serve as “the voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight” (Mark 1:3). God is using Sean to help straighten the crooked places in homes today. I encourage you to lift our brother up in prayer and invite him into your churches for conferences, revivals, youth meetings or conferences on the home. Let’s help Sean reach our country for Christ! We have had Sean speak in our church and our people loved him...I love Sean and his family and I know you will too if you have him come to your church."

Dr. Jim Burns
"I love the passion and energy Sean Teis has for helping people deal with fatherlessness. His ministry is powerful and much needed."

Movie Producer Stephen Kendrick
"Sean Teis has a powerful testimony that inspired me! I love how God has redeemed the pain of Sean’s past to now introduce others to the heart of our perfect Heavenly Father."

Pastor Kenny Baldwin
"I'm 100 percent in support of what you are doing at Life Factors."

Author & Speaker Rand Hummel
"The fatherless are an increasing and overlooked part of our ministries today, and I believe that God could use Sean to make a difference in their lives."

Pastor Tony Liuzzo
"It was great to have Sean Teis speak to our church about helping the fatherless. It is clear that Sean is fulfilling his role in the great commission. His message was direct, powerful, and truly helpful to our students and our adults. It was one of the highlights of our missions emphasis month! Having Sean present encouraged our people to use what they have to reach those around them. So practical!"

Trey Burton - NFL Tight End
When Trey was a teenager he used our The Fatherless Journey for Guys devotional book to help him on his fatherless journey. We gave a copy of it to his grandma when visiting a church when Trey was in high school. When we asked him about the book a few years later he told us that he read it every-night and that “it was awesome”. He said that he appreciated us giving it to his grandma. He also said: “I really appreciate how [you’re] trying to help out fatherless kids I think that's awesome!”

Pastor Josh Teis
"Sean Teis is a man who has incredible passion for the fatherless. Having watched his own father walk away many years ago, Sean has a unique perspective on the terrible ramifications of the fatherless society we seem to be cultivating in the United States. He speaks with biblical boldness on how to address these issues and brings restoration to the family unit by looking toward the Heavenly Father as the perfect example and ultimate need of every child. I recommend Sean and his ministry to you and your church."

Author & Pastor Mark Batterson
"Sean Teis is circling broken homes - can't imagine anything closer to the heart of God"
Click Here To Read Additional Leader Recommendations and Testimonials!
Through God, we have had the privilege to work with fatherless families all over the United States!
Fatherless Adult Girl:
“God is my dad came at the perfect moment in my life. My father wasn’t always an active participant in my life. Alcohol, along with other things, kept him from being the man he was supposed to be. I didn’t realize how much of an impact not having a true connection with my father had on me. Through certain situations, God revealed to me that I was still unhealed, I still was hurt and hadn’t forgiven my own father. “God is my dad” has provided me a community where I can talk about topics like this, work through them, and be seen and heard. We read through scripture, we carry each other’s burdens and pray for one another. Our classes always end pointing back to our Heavenly Father and His love for us despite our circumstances. Thank you Pastor Sean and Jackie for bringing your Ministry to Vegas. You have been a huge blessing!"
Single Mom in Las Vegas, NV:
"Coming to Las Vegas as single mom was not my plan. I was looking for a place of belongings after being disappointed numerous times. I have been praying and searching for true connections with single parents who share similar Godly values like myself but could not find anything that truly align with my walk with Christ until I came across "God is My Dad" platform on Facebook. At first I could not believe that there was actually such a group for people like me so I had to Google the location to ensure it was a real church. Funny right, but God had answered my prayers. Through the meetings and the "The Single Mom Journey" book by Sean Teis and his mom Connie as a guide, I realized I was really not alone. Connie's story was so relatable, inspiring and bible based, I felt the connection that I needed with her and the other women who attended the meetings. I realized that God is never late and he answers our prayers, God knew a platform like this was needed and he touched the hearts of Sean and his mom. I want to use this opportunity to thank Sean Teis, mom Connie, his beautiful family and all the wonderful single moms I have met for using their stories as testimonies. May God continue to guide and bless us as we are walking through our journey as single moms. Love you all"
Fatherless Girl:
"I would not be here today, or at least somewhat put together, if it were not for [this] fatherless ministry. What makes Sean’s ministry so unique is that he himself was a fatherless teenager and he knows the pain of growing up without a fatherly figure."
Single Mom:
"At the time of my divorce, I was overwhelmed with fear, uncertainty, and loneliness. My children and I did not have God in our lives. [Sean] genuinely understands the hurt that comes along with not having a father available or capable to love you."
Grandparent Raising Grandchildren:
"It took a lot of pressure off me in the long run. I will never be able to thank Sean enough for his influence and impact on my grandsons' life."
Fatherless Guy:
"I can truly say that if it were not for the selfless work that Sean and Jackie did in my life I would not have graduated high school, I would not have gone to college. Through them I became a better person, a better Christian."
Jenny Lane, Missions & Ladies Ministry Coordinator at a Partner Church in Astatula, FL
"First I want to say how thankful I am for your families ministry & the curriculum that God has led you to write. At the beginning of the school year at Open House night, a mom approached me about meeting with her young son and her niece & nephew once a week. In her words, “They need counseling “. She is a drug addict & I truly believe she was asking for help because she doesn’t want these kids to make the mistakes she has. So I agreed & then began praying that God would show me what to do . I work in the church office & I read all of our missionary letters.. so I was reading your letter and saw that you had a bookstore. Out of curiosity, I checked it out and saw The Fatherless Journey for boys & girls. I knew the Lord had answered my prayers of what to do. I meet with Alayah, Kaiden & Nick once a week . The 2 oldest have never met their dad , and Nick’s dad is in prison. At first I wondered About how the oldest boy would feel about meeting with me but after praying, me & my husband thought it would be ok since he doesn’t really have a mom or dad in his life. His mom is also a drug addict. We knew he needed a role model of a man & a woman. Our youth pastor also takes time with him. They have so much hurt in their lives, its just heartbreaking. But Praise God, there has been such a change in their lives .. all 3 have been saved , either in our church or christian school. Kaiden who was so angry and wouldn’t talk to me , now talks my ear off and is very honest & open about where he is at . Im thankful that your curriculum just shoots straight with them. Its direct & that is what they need. They still have so much they are dealing with , and life definitely isn’t easy for them. I downloaded “God is my Dad” app on my phone. Kaiden really enjoys the videos of different men giving their testimony. When he has had a really bad day, we will watch one and it helps him to see he is not alone. We have also given your devotional for single moms to our single moms, and they Love them. Sorry this is so long , but just wanted to share the blessing of your ministry and Thank you for it. Please keep these 3 precious children in your prayers. We continue to pray for you, your wife, children & ministry!"
Click Here To Read Additional and Expanded Fatherless Family Recommendations and Testimonials!
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Published Books by Sean & Jackie Teis

This is the book that sparked this entire ministry! A devotional for guys that has been widely distributed for over a decade helping fatherless boys and men overcome their fatherless journey!

After the guys book was completed they knew they had to create one for girls and Sean's sister April graciously shared her stories to be used to help countless girls and women all over!

Single moms are often forgotten people in churches and this resource has helped churches better minister to them. Sean's mom shared her stories to be a help and inspiration to other moms on their journey!

What about the kids? This book helps fatherless children understand that it is not their fault that they do not have an earthly dad and that God will be their Dad through Jesus Christ!

The motherless rate continues to grow. This book helps children understand that they are loved by a loving and caring Heavenly Father that they can have a close relationship with through Jesus!

A resource for children thrown into foster care! Foster and adoptive parents can use this book to explain to the children in their care that despite their circumstances, through Jesus, they are a child of the King!
Reach Fatherless Families Through Joining Our Network!
We are looking for at least one church and ministries in every County of the United States to join the Network of God is my Dad Churches & Ministries!
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