Schedule Us To Speak?
For 14+ years we have been speaking around the country spreading awareness through educating individuals and ministry leaders on the issue of fatherlessness inspiring them to get involved and evangelistically spreading the Gospel and spreading hope to fatherless families and similar family situations. We would love to look at working with you as well! Below please check out some of the places that we spoken at in the past!
Learn More!Where Have We Spoken Before?
We have spoken in close to 200 CHURCHES on FATHERLESSNESS plus a wide variety of other events including pastors & ministry leaders conferences, youth detention centers, youth camps & conferences, children's homes, public school assemblies, Christian school chapels, Christian colleges, etc.!

Speaking Kit:
Ministry Promo Video/Sean's Story:
YouTube Link -
Speaking Downloads:
Bio's - Sean & Jackie Teis:
We have literally dedicated our lives and family to ministering to fatherless families across the United States and beyond!
Since 2008 Sean, Jackie, and their family have been evangelizing & discipling fatherless families through speaking, creating unique resources, and partnering with local churches through Life Factors Fatherless Ministries. They have authored six books for fatherless families and similar situations. They have also developed for fatherless families, which also includes a mobile app in the Apple and Google Play Stores. Sean has spoken on fatherlessness at a variety of events including conferences, colleges, and in 200+ churches throughout the United States. Recently they did a Hope for Fatherless America National Tour for three years ministering to the fatherless and teaching on fatherlessness in churches and other various events across the United States!
Jackie is a trained educator, author, speaker, and she manages many of the logistics and operations for the ministry and the Teis family!
Sean grew up fatherless, he had a single mom, and his grandparents helped raise him. Despite his situation he became an ordained minister and has given his life to help other fatherless families succeed! Sean is a national speaker, an author, and he has held various ministry roles but all with a continual focus on fatherless family ministry. Sean is also an ordained minister and has served on staff and volunteered at various churches throughout the country.

Recommendations & Testimonials:
“One of the things that stood out to me: middle school, school students can be quite difficult to manage in large groups and Sean did an excellent job he had the students involved in the presentation but he also was able to bring them back to being attentive to the next part of the presentation…I would highly recommend that you bring Sean to your school.”
Middle School Principal
"This guy Sean is the funniest guy you’ll ever meet and he made it very interesting and very easy to listen to!"
Student at a Youth Conference
"Sean Teis is a man who has incredible passion for the fatherless. He speaks with biblical boldness...I recommend Sean and his ministry to you and your church."
Pastor Josh Teis from Las Vegas, NV
"Sean writes books, articles and preaches tremendous sermons to serve as “the voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight” (Mark 1:3). God is using Sean to help straighten the crooked places in homes today. I encourage you to lift our brother up in prayer and invite him into your churches for conferences, revivals, youth meetings or conferences on the home. Let’s help Sean reach our country for Christ! We have had Sean speak in our church and our people loved him...I love Sean and his family and I know you will too if you have him come to your church."
Dr. Johnny Pope from Houston, TX
"Sean brings a very powerful lesson on the condition of the home today. But, what is so encouraging is he brings forth workable solutions and a means for a Pastor and a people to get involved with their community to reach these families. As Sean preaches it is a reminder of how important it is to bring these little ones unto Christ and how to reach those single moms and dads. The intensity with which he brings out the point comes from the heart of a man that has lived through these tough circumstances. It is a message of principle, power, and hope in Christ Jesus."
Pastor Robert Warnick from Minster, OH
"I completely agree with Life Factors Ministries that fatherlessness is the number one social issue in our country. I am very impressed with what Sean Teis and Life Factors Ministries are doing to address this issue in our country. The God is my Dad ministry is definitely a great way to evangelize & disciple fatherless families. Their training is something every church should explore. I highly recommend having Sean come and speak on fatherlessness to your congregation, student body, or event."
Dr. Elmer Towns from Liberty University
“I really enjoyed this presentation just because it helps a lot of teens get through what they need to get through especially if they are having a hard time because he has gone through the same things.”
Student at a Youth Conference
"He was entertaining, had some good stories, the kids could relate to his stories and had a few laughs at the same time while learning a valuable message."
A School Counselor
"Very interesting motivational conversation talking about tackling himself, talking about how students can understand and accept some of the things that have happened in their lives and around them, understanding how they can identify and they are not alone. Very interactive, especially with a group of students that are in high school, at risk students."
High School Principal at At-Risk School
"Sean's speech was definitely the best it was so funny and entertaining!"
Student at a Youth Conference
Book Sean & Jackie Teis To Speak!
Sean and Jackie Teis speak at various types of events (churches, pastors and ministry leader conferences, public and Christian school assemblies, youth camps and conferences, youth detention centers, etc.) across the country. Submit your request to have them speak at your event by filling out the following form.
Learn More:
Reach Fatherless Families Through Joining The Network!
We are looking for at least one church and ministries in every County of the United States to join the Network of God is my Dad Churches & Ministries!
Learn More!Published Books by Sean & Jackie Teis:

This is the book that sparked this entire ministry! A devotional for guys that has been widely distributed for over a decade helping fatherless boys and men overcome their fatherless journey!

After the guys book was completed they knew they had to create one for girls and Sean's sister April graciously shared her stories to be used to help countless girls and women all over!

Single moms are often forgotten people in churches and this resource has helped churches better minister to them. Sean's mom shared her stories to be a help and inspiration to other moms on their journey!

What about the kids? This book helps fatherless children understand that it is not their fault that they do not have an earthly dad and that God will be their Dad through Jesus Christ!

The motherless rate continues to grow. This book helps children understand that they are loved by a loving and caring Heavenly Father that they can have a close relationship with through Jesus!

A resource for children thrown into foster care! Foster and adoptive parents can use this book to explain to the children in their care that despite their circumstances, through Jesus, they are a child of the King!